DJ Daddy K born Alain is involved into the Hip-Hop culture since day one. He started his passion for this culture in 1982 with break-dance and became with his group ‘Dynamic Three’ the European Champion in 1986.
As a Hip-Hop Lover he touched all the aspects of the culture but he was more attracted by the art of DJ’ing.
He putted his first ‘scratch’ in Studio on the first Rap Record made in Belgium called ‘Brussel Rap Convention’ and then became the Dj author compositor of the Famous group ‘Benny B’. (First on the chart during three years in France and Belgium).
When the group split he went on the be a big club dj and to this day he continues to tour around the world .
To introduce him to y'all we'll post his first and most searched after mixtape called ' special r&b 1'. When this tape hit the streets of Brussels by 99 it was realy the BOMB. You could hear it everywhere banging from windows, cars, it just was all over the place.
It was the first time we had a real blend tape over here that was so good mixed and that actually contained some real blends. Some of those blends and breaks went on to be sold on the Transformers vynils, others have been lost by time ( this tape was never reedited)..