Years ago when internet still sucked and you only had the radio to discover new music ( you had no money to buy stuff in the musicshops because you spended all your money in the coffee shops)everyone had his fetish radio show.
Mine was Oskoorland. I basicly discovered hip-hop on that show. Even dancehall. One time I was taping a show but the tape started the to late so I taped the show after Oskoorland. I went on vacation with only one tape and there was nothing else to listen to so I gave it a try. And after a few listens I became a huge dancehall massive.
Jungle is also a music style I discovered on that radio show.
This particular show was recorded somewhere in 1997 and was a Jungle special. Jungle with a hip-hop twist as it contains lots of Jungle remixes of very know hip-hop songs. Remixes from KRS-One,Raggasonic,Jeru The Damaja,The Fugees, Blackstreet ...
Great music,great show, great ERA.