Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jr Ewing - Bad Reputation

Jr Ewing was never actually a real dj mixing at parties and stuff.This French mixtape dj made his name with tapes where he selected the best indie songs from that time and putted them together in mixtape form.So don't exept no crazy techniques or dj skillz but great selections ,artwork and concept.
Many of his tapes are on blogs today, i think this one is still missing.Any request just let us know.



  1. This was the only one i'm missing in my collection. Thanx

  2. La n°15 spéciale bad boy! Est-il bon de rappeler que les narco bro's comptaient parmis eux Dj Pone (multi récidiviste des finales DMC et plusieur fois champion de France...) Certe, le turntabilisme n'est pas le vrais moteur de ces tapes mais les séléctions indep 90's jouent vraiment l'éssentiel (Pure Premium!!!)
    Bonne continuation et soutien pour la suite
    peace Just'Digga

  3. dead link !
    It's the only one i m looking for ...
